2013 PGA Tennessee Section Horton Smith Finalist
2013 PGA National Horton Smith Finalist
2006-2013 PGA President's Council on Growing the Game
Vanderbilt Legends Golf Academy
1500 Legends Club Lane
Franklin, TN 37069
Direct/Cell 352-267-1898
Office 615-791-3471
Toll Free 888-268-GOLF
“Joe has been unbelievable,” Lewis said. “He’s like family to me.”
”Lewis was a rookie when she first met Hallett. She brought him aboard for her second season. “I was lost my rookie year,” Lewis said. “I didn’t know how to get better. I didn’t know what I needed to do to get to the next level. “Joe had a plan. He had a plan for what I needed to work on. I needed to get my body stronger. I needed to get my golf swing in a better position at the top. There was kind of a list of things we went through. He was in for the long haul. I didn’t want a quick fix.” Lewis takes pride in her team, from agents, caddie and coach. Hallett loves being part of that.
“I’m just a cog in a good team,” Hallett said.